Monday, March 1, 2010

Phenomenon: Fish falling from the sky

Fish falling from the sky? You got to be joking? This is what my reaction was when I first heard of this. This is a strange phenomenom but this happended over 600 times in this century.

Why does this happen? Scientists discovered that this happen when strong whirlwinds and tornados blows over the sea or rivers. The winds then raises small animals like fish or frogs. These animals can then be carried for miles and then dropped just like that. This is when it will rain fish. This is also called the "fafrotskies" phenomenom. In this past this phenomenom happened in the following countries: Singapore, Rhode Island, India, Australia.

Nedbank currently has an Television advert about this Phenomenon. I think it is brilliant says in the Advert: "So it's certainly unexpected but it's not impossible. Just as in life, where we're often faced with unforeseen circumstances. And that's what brings us to Nedbank Capital – we expect the unexpected, and we're equipped to make the most of it.".

I think this is a brilliant advertisement campaign.

So next time when it rains watch out for flying fish, maybe we should change the idiom it is raining cats and dogs to it is raining fish and frogs!

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