Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What motivates me?

I would ask you do you have a driving force, purpose, incentive that motivates you to do what you do? Or do you just do things before you don't have a choice?

When you do something that you like, you do not need initial motivation. You would like to do it just because you love it.

But a lot of the times you need motivation to do something, for instance getting out of bed to go to work in the Winter, or going to Gym after a long day etc.

I do not need much motivation to do something, but I need to drive myself a lot. I cannot for instance not work under pressure. If I need to do something in one day or an hour I peform very good, but don't give me a lot of time to do it. So ... what do you think is my motivation? Working under pressure YES! It sounds crazy I know.

Yes off course it is also the loved ones in my life, my collegeaus that motivates me but it is to a large extend myself and the amount of pressure to do my Utmost best.

At the moment I am very motivated to live Life to the fullest because I am leaving for Ireland and Scotland and when I come back to Cape Town, I move into a our NEW HOUSE.

So for the month of July and August the PRESSURE IS ON!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes sometimes pressure is the driving stone of doing what we do.
