This is a difficult topic, because one does not want to think about death. I think it is best that we don’t know what is going to happen in the future or when we are going to die.
If we knew it would be chaos, panic and depression that will follow.
However one has a “bucket list” of what you would like to do still in life.
I have achieved some of the things on my bucket list already.
1. I wanted to finish school and study – DONE
2. I wanted to buy my own car – DONE
3. I wanted to buy property – DONE (I bought my first property a one bedroom flat in
January 2007)
4. I wanted to get married – DONE
5. I wanted to buy a house – Done (August 2010)
6. I wanted a Jack Russel – Done
7. I wanted a Labrador – DONE
8. I wanted to ride and touch an elephant – DONE
9. I wanted to go and visit Namibia – DONE
10. I wanted to go and visit Swaziland and do missionary work – DONE
11. I wanted to publish articles in Newspapers – DONE
12. I Wanted to do something extreme – DONE (I am a Firewalker and abseiled)
13. I would like to travel Africa (Still do be done)
14. I wanted to go to England and Scotland for an international holiday – DONE
15. I wanted to Quad Bike in the Namib Desert – DONE
16. I would like to have Children (Still to be done)
17. I would like to take my husband to Storms River and let him experience “Tree Top
Canopies” I have done it but not him.
18. I would like to make a life changing experience for somebody (Still to be done)
19. Visit the Drakensberge and spent a few nights there.
I am sure there are a lot more and enough to work on, but there is also this one thing that I would like to do before I die, and that is to have enough love for everybody.
How on earth will I get that right, well I am only one person and their are billions of people on earth, but if I love my loved ones dearly and show and tell that to them everyday, they will again do the same and it will have a ripple effect.
Don’t wait to long until you start to fulfil your dreams, live everyday to its fullest, as if there is no tomorrow.
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