This topic made me think of Elmer Fudd, the stattering rabbit hunter that made it his mission to Hunt Bugs Bunny.
Each time when Elmer Fudd tried to chase Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny will stand next to him with a carrot in his hand and say: "What's up Duck?"
Elmer Fudd was so determined and focused to hunt Bugs Bunny that he didn't even realise if Bugs Bunny stood next to him, or dressed up in the most obvious disguise.
So Elmer Fudd wasn't even successful to chase one rabbit at a time, so how would he manage to chase two.
I am like Elmer Fudd sometimes, I have to many things to do at the same time, so I loose focus and cannot give 100% of my time, money and energy to most things I do.
Yes, some people will same, you have to mange your time better, but I don't always agree with that advice.
When one have many things to juggle, all you can do is to find the best balance or make a choice to only focus on one thing.
My problem with only focussing on one thing, is I am a person who would like to give as much as I can of my time, money and energy to other people, to try and make a positive difference in their life.
I think I would rather chase two rabbits at the same time than none.
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